Commitment to transparent functioning

We at Pardarshita strongly feel that while we demand the government departments to be transparent with everyone, we also have a duty of maintaining transparency in terms of our own work, expenditures, funding and so on. So, to re-iterate our commitment towards ethical and pardarshi work, we invite anyone to inspect our books of accounts.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Remarkable step by Child Welfare Committeee Sanskar Ashram Delhi

Children studying in Municipal & Government schools and their parents from North East district of Delhi have made hundreds of complaints with Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) and Education Department regarding lack of sanitation, drinking water etc. in their schools. But these complaints are lost somewhere in the heaps of files in DCPCR and Department. Once or twice DCPCR sent a letter that school has taken action on your complaint and DCPCR get satisfied with action on paper, whereas the situation on ground remains the same.

In New Seema Puri there is a Municipal Corporation School Building in which three schools run in two shifts and approximately 4000 children are studying in these three schools. There are toilets constructed in all floors of the school building but since August 2014 all toilets were blocked due to blockage in main sever line of the school. The situation was so terrible that toilet blocks were over flown and waste from toilet comes to the class rooms.

Principals of all these three schools have not only written several request to their senior officials to clear the blockage of sewer line whereas they also met personally and briefed about the worst condition of the school. More than four months passed but no action has been taken by the department to clear the blockage of sever line.

Knowing the fact that DCPCR is not doing proper disposal of complaints, therefore parents and SMC members have filed the complaint with Child Welfare Committee (CWC), Sanskar Ashram on 12/12/2014 and requested to take action on this.

CWC, Sanskar Ashram has taken cognizance immediately on the complaint and issued notice to Education Director, East Delhi Municipal Corporation and directed him to appear personally on 22/12/2014 to give explanation about action taken on the issue. As soon the notice served we have noticed miracle the very next day. The whole department was in the school and they were engaged in the work of clearing the blockage of sewer line. During the clearance of sewer line two trucks of garbage have taken out from sewer.

We welcome this remarkable step taken by Child Welfare Committee and request DCPCR to learn how a quasi judicial body act in the best interest of children.


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