Commitment to transparent functioning

We at Pardarshita strongly feel that while we demand the government departments to be transparent with everyone, we also have a duty of maintaining transparency in terms of our own work, expenditures, funding and so on. So, to re-iterate our commitment towards ethical and pardarshi work, we invite anyone to inspect our books of accounts.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Sanskriti School makes a joke of High Court Orders & Directorate of Education

Dear Friend,
According to the Right to Education Act 2009 Delhi Government has issued a notification regarding the admission of children belonging to Economically Weaker Section quota and as per this order: “schools shall furnish information regarding admissions under this quota on the official website of Directorate of Education”. Months have passed but schools have not published the information regarding admission list on the website.
As this matter is related to information disclosure and transparency therefore we have filed complaint with Central Information Commission (CIC) stating that neither the Directorate of Education nor the Private Schools have displayed the list of children admitted under EWS quota on their respective websites. 
Considering facts of the complaint, CIC directed the Director to ensure that the information related to admissions done under EWS quota should be displayed on website. The commission further ordered that the Annual Returns filed by Private schools would also be uploaded on website of the Department of Education CIC/SG/C/2009/001627/6018.
After this, a lobby of Public Schools approached to Delhi High Court against the order of CIC. In view of the facts the Hon’ble High Court also ordered to display the information concerning to the admissions under EWS quota and stayed on disclosure of information related to Annual Returns of School on the website of Directorate of Education (DOE) till the next date of hearing [WP (Civil) 21/2011].
Following the order of Hon’ble High Court most of the schools have displayed the list of admission done under EWS quota on the website of DOE, but Sanskriti School, an eminent school of Delhi, has uploaded nonsensical information. The information displayed is as follows:
Name of the School
School Code 2026118
Zone 26
District New Delhi

Name of children admitted in Free-ship Category of session (2011-12) for class I
Sr No      Name     Name        Residence  Category
              of Child   of Father     Address
1         dfdfdjhj          hjh                  jhj          Free-ship
The link for this information is:
While most of the Private Schools have uploaded EWS list on the website but the information uploaded by Sanskriti School is not only an eyewash and a violation of the High Court order, it is makes a joke of government's education department.
Under such circumstances only one statement can be true: Whether Sanskriti School supersedes DOE or DOE has no control over Sanskriti School.
Ritu Mehra


Shaweta said...

From: asfia ahmed
Subject: Re: Sanskriti School makes a joke of High Court Orders & Directorate of Education
To: "Pardarshita India"
Date: Saturday, 8 October, 2011, 3:58 PM

Yes the management does make a mockery of the govt.This is because of the fact that the school is managed by the wives of the IAS officers and seem to get away with every thing.They know the loop holes in the system so its very easy to get away with anything.They always have a hidden agenda which no one gets to know the next move. Its like chess for them. The time has come to remove elite class to run schools or NGO. because they are not grounded.Just wearing khadi cottons will not impress anyone today.We need transparency in thought word and deed. Thanks for your mail it keeps us connected.
Asfia Ahmed

Shaweta said...

From: Indu Prakash

Subject: Re: Sanskriti School makes a joke of High Court Orders & Directorate of Education
To: "Pardarshita India"
Date: Monday, 10 October, 2011, 4:51 PM

Really shameful.

What do we expect from the BureaucRAT controlled school? It goes to show how serious they are.

